Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Proverbs 2:5 (MSG)
Believe me, before you know it Fear~of~God will be yours; you'll have come upon the Knowledge of God.

I have heard that expression a lot through the years...."before you know it...".  Usually it is in relation to our kids and the statement is:  "Before you know it, they'll be moving out and going off to college!"

It is so true...before we realize it, time is gone!  A prime example of time flying by is this past year.  I had big plans to accomplish many things, but only the items that I specifically placed at the top of my list to accomplish actually got done.  Oh, it is so like that with my walk with God.  If I don't purpose to make Him my focus, He gets fuzzy!  I want Him to be number one, so He opens my eyes to what is truly important to pursue in my day.  Praying for perseverence to keep Him number one on my list!

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