Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Book Review: In Constant Prayer by Robert Benson (foreward by Phyllis Tickle)

It was a privilege to read the book, In Constant Prayer by Robert Benson. 

 It was the title that drew my attention to the book, as I am exploring what it means to be "in constant communion" with the Lord in a practical sense for today.  

The book was wonderfully challenging, as the author opened up my heart and mind to the ancient practice of the "daily office".  He explains that the daily office is "a regular pattern and order for formal worship and prayer that is offered to God at specific times throughout the course of the day."  The author refers to the daily office as a model of prayer patterned after Psalm 119 and "the people of Yahweh". 

This type of "daily fixed-hour liturgical prayer" is then discussed at length throughout the book.  It was refreshing to hear the author speak with such transparency of his walk as a "pilgrim" who, "wants to learn how to live a life that is shaped by and around and for prayer, a life that becomes a prayer that is prayed without ceasing".  The book is beautifully written with a sincerity and depth that will capture the reader's heart.  The author's willingness to expose some of his own life struggles served to captivate me all the more! 

Thank you to Thomas Nelson for this review copy of In Constant Prayer by Robert Benson provided to me through BookSneeze.

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