Tuesday, May 31, 2011

He Is There

Psalms 139:8(NIV)
If I go up to the heavens, You are there;  if  make my bed in the depths, You are there.

This is an image I caught while snapping shots of a firework display a few years back.  I love it, although, I know that from a photographer perspective, it's sort of an "oops" shot, cuz I set the shutter speed too slow.....or something like that...maybe it was too fast....but anyway...  It's ok with me that it's "messed up".  If it had been just a "regular" shot, I don't think it would have been nearly as interesting.  

That's what I love about tonight's verse.  Wherever I go...up or down, high or low,  together or falling apart, mistakes or perfection, God is there with me.  And since He is there with me....He can see the beauty in what He has created.   As long as I have breath within me, I have a purpose for being here on this earth...and it is to exalt the Lord in all that I do and serve Him with great devotion.

Thank you for reminding me that there is nowhere that I can go from Your presence.  Continue to guide and direct my steps and those of my family.  Amen

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