Proverbs 4:26 (MSG)
Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you.
No surprise here, but the tulip hasn't grown anything yet. Of course, I didn't expect it to. I have sheltered it from the "spring" cold and is sitting in the window where it should be getting sun....if there were any sun to get! I am definitely ready for some sunshine...sigh...maybe tomorrow. I guess rain is better than snow, though.....sorry sweet Northern Sister, for the six inches of white stuff you received over night.
Since watching my plant isn't getting me anywhere, I suppose I will "watch my step." Tonight's Bible verse tells me to~watch my step and the road will stretch out smooth before me. Oh boy, this is a tough one for me to figure out. In my life, I can say with confidence that I have watched my step and my road is anything but smooth....although, I realize that it could be a great deal more challenging, I certainly have some big obstacles in my past, present, and probably my future.
Maybe I'm misinterpreting the word smooth? Let's look it up. Webster's dictionary says that smooth means having an even surface without any lumps. There is another five meanings that are all about the same thing....but wait a minute. Down at the bottom of the list there is a definition that might be more in line with what I have experienced through the years. It states, "To make calm; soothe." Now that matches my relationship with the Lord!
As I watch my steps through prayer, reading the Bible, worship, and obedience, I have found that once again the Lord is with me. He loves me and is faithful to keep me calm and soothe my aches and pains. I can tell you that I do not have a "lump free" road!! The Bible, in fact, is clear that we won't have a bumpless journey down here. However, we will have a Father who hears us when we cry out to Him. We do have a Father who promises to never leave us or forsake us. (Deuteronomy 31:6) We do have a Father who longs to be close to us!
I'm praying tonight specifically for anyone who might be reading this that has suffered many bumps and lumps on their path through life. I know that it can feel so lonely and dark when we suffer. Sometimes, we can feel like You have left us, when in fact, You never moved! In actuality it was us who chose to step away...or maybe we got blown off course from a physical illness, abuse, rejection, an unforgiving heart, pride, confusion and the list goes on and on. Please gently pull us back onto your road and soothe us with your Holy Spirit. Counsel each one of us tonight in Your compassionate wisdom and love. Thank you for always hearing our prayers!
In Jesus Name~Amen
"If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in Me this way..." John 7:37-38(MSG)
His Word...Streams of Life Giving Water
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Keep Your Eyes Straight Ahead
Proverbs 4:25 (MSG)
Mark 7:5-8 (MSG)
Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions.
Alright, so yesterday I trimmed off the dead stuff from my tulip plant in an effort to keep it from pouring out good energy into trying to regrow ugly and useless parts. As I trimmed those dried and cracking pieces off, I noticed that the entire plant began to look a little healthier.....but is it?
This plant is so like my heart. I read in my Bible this morning from Mark 7:20-23 (MSG) Jesus said, "It's what comes out of a person that pollutes: obscenities, lusts, thefts, murders, adulteries, greed, depravity, deceptive dealings, carousing, mean looks, slander, arrogance, foolishness--all these are vomit from the heart. There is the source of your pollution."
Ouch again! The last thing that I ever want to do is "look" like a good Christ follower on the outside...but not be a true Christ follower with my heart. In the response to a question from the Parisees and religion scholars to Jesus about this very thing, the Lord sums up what we are doing when we behave in this manner...
Mark 7:5-8 (MSG)
The Pharisees and religion scholars asked, "Why do your disciples flout the rules, showing up at meals without washing their hands?" Jesus answered, "Isaiah was right about frauds like you, hit the bull's-eye in fact: These people make a big show of saying the right thing, but their heart isn't in it. They act like they are worshiping me, but they don't mean it. They just use me as a cover for teaching whatever suits their fancy, ditching God's command and taking up the latest fads."
Praying today for a gaze that is "straight ahead" on the Lord and His plans for my life. Asking Him to adjust my path wherever He needs to, so that the focus of my family and our home would be squarely on Him! Also, thanking the God who created each one of us, for His overwhelming attention and love as He guides and moves us.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies and gossip.
The parallel with my spiritual life is fascinating! Like thiefs in the night, these little nasty habits we have..."careless banter, white lies and gossip" and other similar issues, come sneaking back up on us and steal our fire if we aren't constantly on our guard. I wish I could say that this doesn't happen to me...but I have to remain alert and in prayer for this area, because it can definitely be a trap for each one of us. With the help of the Holy Spirit, I have gained huge strides in this area and will press the Grace of God!
Praying tonight for the pruning process to continue in my life. Asking the Lord to help me make decisions that will honor Him and bring Him glory. I have drafted a list of the dead places that need to be restored. I am lifting those up to the God who created heaven and earth and trusting that NOTHING is impossible with Him!
Monday, March 28, 2011
Book Review: Pujols: More Than A Game
The book Pujols: More Than The Game by Scott Lamb and Tim Ellsworth was a great read! After completing the book, I have a huge respect for this man’s heart and a clear understanding of his mission.
I chose the book Pujols: More Than The Game by Scott Lamb and Tim Ellsworth, because my son is a huge fan of Albert Pujols. When I saw the title of the book, I was thrilled to see that he is not only an amazing ball player, which I already knew, but a Christ follower as well, which I didn’t know.
This biography opens with the story of Albert Pujols’ meager beginnings in Santo Domingo . Most of the population there would be considered by United States standards to be living at or below the poverty level. The fact that there were nights that he went to bed hungry, at times had dirt floors in his home, and used a milk carton for a glove, sticks for a bat, and a lime for a ball, just to play baseball were endearing enough to learn, but add to it Albert’s attributing his grandmother for “making him the man he is today”, and I was hooked!
Throughout the book, the authors tell of Albert’s saving faith in Jesus Christ. They quote him as stating, “Baseball is simply my platform to elevate Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.” Each chapter is rich with details. The authors discuss his family as having great worth to him, including his wife Deidra and their four children, one of which has Downs Syndrome. They also discuss the organization that he and his wife launched together called the “Pujols Family Foundation.”
If it’s statistical information on Pujols or the St. Louis Cardinals you’re after, then you won’t be disappointed! The book is rich in game history, stats, and trivia. There is even an entire chapter written about the false reporting that occurred in 2007 around the Mitchell Report and Pujols’ supposed use of PEDs (Performance Enhancing Drugs).
This was a well written book that clearly defines to the reader details of Pujols’ life and his mission to give God the glory for his talents. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and would therefore highly recommend it.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson Publishing (since 1798) for this review copy of Pujols: More Than The Game, provided to me through BookSneeze. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Tulip Regeneration Challenge
Proverbs 4:23 (MSG)
Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. there has been this little red plastic pot sitting out in the road outside of our house for the past four days. I don't know how it got there, except to guess that the wind storm the other night blew it in. It is off to the side of the road, allowing cars to drive around it without too much trouble, but it is conspicuous enough for even the kids to take notice of it.
I wondered how long it would sit there. It is ridiculous that I hadn't bothered to pick it up....I have no good excuses for that. I guess I figured "someone else" would pick it up and throw it away. No one did, therefore, after my morning run, I ventured over to the little pot. Inside I found a dead tulip that was beyond recognition. I only know that it is a tulip, because it says "tulip" on the side of the paper surrounding the pot. For this reason, I am assuming that is what it was. It is still planted firmly in rich black potting soil, but the soil is now covered in snow after winter returned during the night.
As I carried the pot back to the house to throw away, I paused. The wheels began turning inside my head and I thought. I wonder if I could bring this thing back to life! But why?
Why would I spend all of that time and effort trying to save a silly $3.00 tulip? "Just go buy one if you want one, Silly", I said to myself. I set it on the step and went inside to feed the cat. But....the tulip wouldn't leave me alone. It kept eating away at me.
With the tulip turning over and over in my mind, I came inside to see what my verse from Proverbs was for today, and found the above words: " over your heart; that's where life starts." If life starts in our must end their too. Right? What if our hearts are lifeless and cold? I mean not literally of course...but what if there are parts of our heart that we have allowed to die?
I returned to thoughts of the tulip. Before long, that dead plant started representing those "dead" areas of my own heart. I am sure they are different for everyone. It could be a dream we have let go of. Maybe it's a relationship that we have given up on. Possibly it is an actual person that we have tried to share the love of Christ with over and over again, but it seems they are "dead" to Him. Whatever the "dead" part of your heart is, I know that it can be regenerated through careful attention and "vigilant watch". I'm certain that through prayer, Christ's love, and the Word of God our dead places can be brought to life!! I even read about dead bones coming to life by the breath of God in Ezekiel 37:1-10.
Having said all of that, I now want to present you with my "Tulip Regeneration Challenge". I am challenging myself to search my heart, with the Lord's help, for any "dead" thing that I want to be brought back to life. When I find that place (or places) within my heart, I plan to give that to the Lord daily for the next twenty eight days. Yes....if you count twenty eight days from this will find that day is Easter...the day when the Lord was resurrected from the dead!
Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. there has been this little red plastic pot sitting out in the road outside of our house for the past four days. I don't know how it got there, except to guess that the wind storm the other night blew it in. It is off to the side of the road, allowing cars to drive around it without too much trouble, but it is conspicuous enough for even the kids to take notice of it.
I wondered how long it would sit there. It is ridiculous that I hadn't bothered to pick it up....I have no good excuses for that. I guess I figured "someone else" would pick it up and throw it away. No one did, therefore, after my morning run, I ventured over to the little pot. Inside I found a dead tulip that was beyond recognition. I only know that it is a tulip, because it says "tulip" on the side of the paper surrounding the pot. For this reason, I am assuming that is what it was. It is still planted firmly in rich black potting soil, but the soil is now covered in snow after winter returned during the night.
As I carried the pot back to the house to throw away, I paused. The wheels began turning inside my head and I thought. I wonder if I could bring this thing back to life! But why?
Why would I spend all of that time and effort trying to save a silly $3.00 tulip? "Just go buy one if you want one, Silly", I said to myself. I set it on the step and went inside to feed the cat. But....the tulip wouldn't leave me alone. It kept eating away at me.
With the tulip turning over and over in my mind, I came inside to see what my verse from Proverbs was for today, and found the above words: " over your heart; that's where life starts." If life starts in our must end their too. Right? What if our hearts are lifeless and cold? I mean not literally of course...but what if there are parts of our heart that we have allowed to die?
I returned to thoughts of the tulip. Before long, that dead plant started representing those "dead" areas of my own heart. I am sure they are different for everyone. It could be a dream we have let go of. Maybe it's a relationship that we have given up on. Possibly it is an actual person that we have tried to share the love of Christ with over and over again, but it seems they are "dead" to Him. Whatever the "dead" part of your heart is, I know that it can be regenerated through careful attention and "vigilant watch". I'm certain that through prayer, Christ's love, and the Word of God our dead places can be brought to life!! I even read about dead bones coming to life by the breath of God in Ezekiel 37:1-10.
I am trusting that the Lord is going to do amazing things in my life in the next four weeks. Feel free to take the challenge with me! I have included a picture of the "dead tulip". I plan to restore it with food, warmth and light, just like my heart. I will keep you "posted" the literal sense!
Praying today for the Lord to search my heart and reveal to me those dead places that need His breath of life.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Bursting With Health
Proverbs 4:22 (MSG)
Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they're bursting with health.
"Bursting with health"! What a perfect way to live...really live. I mean, isn't this what we all desire? The constant search for a body and soul filled to overflowing with health inside and out! It's awesome to think about how His Word is alive like this. I can think of so many times throughout my life where scripture has restored calm, given direction, supplied instruction, filled me with joy and hope, provided healing, and formed a foundation to stand on. Simply amazing!!
Thanking God tonight for His Word! Praying for a deeper understanding of it and an increased ability to hide it in my heart.
Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they're bursting with health.
"Bursting with health"! What a perfect way to live...really live. I mean, isn't this what we all desire? The constant search for a body and soul filled to overflowing with health inside and out! It's awesome to think about how His Word is alive like this. I can think of so many times throughout my life where scripture has restored calm, given direction, supplied instruction, filled me with joy and hope, provided healing, and formed a foundation to stand on. Simply amazing!!
Thanking God tonight for His Word! Praying for a deeper understanding of it and an increased ability to hide it in my heart.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Proverbs 4:21 (MSG)
Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart!
I love this clear directive to memorize scripture! In today's informational world, it is so easy to get overwhelmed with the influx of material. The computer has allowed us to have instant access to just about every interest our heart would desire. With all of that stimulus at our finger tips, why would we need to take the time to commit to memory the verses of the Bible. I mean, if I need them I can just look them up...right?
This verse doesn't mention anything about grabbing my Bible on computer and searching for a scripture. It says to concentrate and learn it by heart! I'm not a theologian, but I think I know why we need to have it in our hearts. The answer....because when the Word is hidden in our changes our hearts and lives!
I am currently working on memorizing Psalm 121, as a friend of mine has challenged me to do. It is an amazing scripture and is filled with direction and promises for our times of trial.
God's Word holds power that our words do not. His Word is what Jesus spoke when confronted by Satan in the desert. (Matthew 4:1-11) It allowed Jesus to stand firm against the ridiculous schemes that Satan had planned to trick the Lord. I figure if Jesus needs the Word of much more do I?!
Psalm 121 (NIV)
1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart!
I love this clear directive to memorize scripture! In today's informational world, it is so easy to get overwhelmed with the influx of material. The computer has allowed us to have instant access to just about every interest our heart would desire. With all of that stimulus at our finger tips, why would we need to take the time to commit to memory the verses of the Bible. I mean, if I need them I can just look them up...right?
This verse doesn't mention anything about grabbing my Bible on computer and searching for a scripture. It says to concentrate and learn it by heart! I'm not a theologian, but I think I know why we need to have it in our hearts. The answer....because when the Word is hidden in our changes our hearts and lives!
I am currently working on memorizing Psalm 121, as a friend of mine has challenged me to do. It is an amazing scripture and is filled with direction and promises for our times of trial.
God's Word holds power that our words do not. His Word is what Jesus spoke when confronted by Satan in the desert. (Matthew 4:1-11) It allowed Jesus to stand firm against the ridiculous schemes that Satan had planned to trick the Lord. I figure if Jesus needs the Word of much more do I?!
Psalm 121 (NIV)

where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip—
he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The LORD watches over you—
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
6 the sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon by night.
7 The LORD will keep you from all harm—
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
he will watch over your life;
8 the LORD will watch over your coming and going
both now and forevermore.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Tune Your Ears
Proverbs 4:20 (MSG)
Dear friend, listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice.
We have an amazing piano in our basement that was given to us by my children's Grandmother. I find it beautifully fascinating in so many ways. First, I love to look at it. It is so full of character! It has some scratches and dents in the wood, along with faded spots in the stain. The fact that it is so old makes it weathered looking. I adore that quality. I like to think about the small children that probably have bumped their toys up against it as they were growing up.
Secondly, I love to listen to it being played. I know this is going to sound a bit odd, but it seems to almost come alive as my daughter passes her sweet fingers over each of the keys. I don't know how an inanimate object like this could have such an effect on me, but it does.
Finally, I love to watch the "piano man" tune our special piano. (That's what I call him...most people call him the "piano tuner".) As he sits down on the bench with his black bag of tools, he goes to work. He carefully strikes each key over and over while listening. Intently he listens as he hits each note and then makes adjustments according to what he hears. Simply enchanting!! He patiently goes up and down the keyboard repeating this same methodical practice until the entire piano is tuned to his satisfaction.
Just when you think his job is done and you are expecting him to pack up for the day, the grand finale begins! He zips his bag up and sets it on the floor. Closing his eyes, he begins to play, while intently listening. I don't think a fire alarm could pull him from his trained ear at that point. It's as if he wants to be sure that all of the notes that he adjusted are perfectly tuned with one another. He has flawlessly trained his ears to be in tune to the piano's really incredible.
I want to be like the "piano man", perfectly in tune with my Father's voice as the verse tonight says. This direction is awesome to me, because it so clearly defines how to become in tune to His voice....and that by listening to His Word. Praying tonight to continue faithfully in His Word, so that I will easily recognize my Father's voice.
Dear friend, listen well to my words; tune your ears to my voice.
We have an amazing piano in our basement that was given to us by my children's Grandmother. I find it beautifully fascinating in so many ways. First, I love to look at it. It is so full of character! It has some scratches and dents in the wood, along with faded spots in the stain. The fact that it is so old makes it weathered looking. I adore that quality. I like to think about the small children that probably have bumped their toys up against it as they were growing up.
Secondly, I love to listen to it being played. I know this is going to sound a bit odd, but it seems to almost come alive as my daughter passes her sweet fingers over each of the keys. I don't know how an inanimate object like this could have such an effect on me, but it does.
Finally, I love to watch the "piano man" tune our special piano. (That's what I call him...most people call him the "piano tuner".) As he sits down on the bench with his black bag of tools, he goes to work. He carefully strikes each key over and over while listening. Intently he listens as he hits each note and then makes adjustments according to what he hears. Simply enchanting!! He patiently goes up and down the keyboard repeating this same methodical practice until the entire piano is tuned to his satisfaction.
Just when you think his job is done and you are expecting him to pack up for the day, the grand finale begins! He zips his bag up and sets it on the floor. Closing his eyes, he begins to play, while intently listening. I don't think a fire alarm could pull him from his trained ear at that point. It's as if he wants to be sure that all of the notes that he adjusted are perfectly tuned with one another. He has flawlessly trained his ears to be in tune to the piano's really incredible.
I want to be like the "piano man", perfectly in tune with my Father's voice as the verse tonight says. This direction is awesome to me, because it so clearly defines how to become in tune to His voice....and that by listening to His Word. Praying tonight to continue faithfully in His Word, so that I will easily recognize my Father's voice.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Road Of Wrongdoing
Proverbs 4:19 (MSG)
But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker--
travelers can't see a thing; they fall flat on their faces.
I used go to sleep~overs at my friend's house when we were in high school. I loved staying at her house because she was one of my closest friends. We would stay up late talking about the things young girls talk about, but one of the other reasons that I thought staying at her house was so amazing was because of her dark room. Her room was in the basement. It was one of those rooms that didn't have any windows. It was so dark in her room that you wouldn't have any idea what time it was when you got up in the morning, until you walked out and the day light hit you right in the face.
Tonight's verse made me think about my friend's room because of the "darker and darker" statement. You would think that darkness is darkness. But it isn't necessarily the case. I mean, my room at home was dark, but there was certainly a source of light gently feeding into it, so that when you got used to it, you could see pretty good. Not so my friend's room. It was pitch black and your eyes never adjusted to it.
The darkness that starts out as gray with a dim light seeping into the room, quickly turns to deep darkness. So much like sin isn't it? As a person starts out in wrongdoing, it may be small offenses. However, before the person notices it, they have fallen into deeper and deeper sin and pretty soon their room has become pitch black.
Praying tonight to remain guarded against wrongdoing. Asking the Lord to help me remain alert to His voice so that I might avoid any pitfalls that will throw me into darkness.
Slow Fade by Casting Crowns is one of my favorite songs and seems to describe what can happen to us if we do not remain in the vine...connected to the power of the cross! (Click to hear song.)
But the road of wrongdoing gets darker and darker--
travelers can't see a thing; they fall flat on their faces.
I used go to sleep~overs at my friend's house when we were in high school. I loved staying at her house because she was one of my closest friends. We would stay up late talking about the things young girls talk about, but one of the other reasons that I thought staying at her house was so amazing was because of her dark room. Her room was in the basement. It was one of those rooms that didn't have any windows. It was so dark in her room that you wouldn't have any idea what time it was when you got up in the morning, until you walked out and the day light hit you right in the face.
Tonight's verse made me think about my friend's room because of the "darker and darker" statement. You would think that darkness is darkness. But it isn't necessarily the case. I mean, my room at home was dark, but there was certainly a source of light gently feeding into it, so that when you got used to it, you could see pretty good. Not so my friend's room. It was pitch black and your eyes never adjusted to it.
The darkness that starts out as gray with a dim light seeping into the room, quickly turns to deep darkness. So much like sin isn't it? As a person starts out in wrongdoing, it may be small offenses. However, before the person notices it, they have fallen into deeper and deeper sin and pretty soon their room has become pitch black.
Praying tonight to remain guarded against wrongdoing. Asking the Lord to help me remain alert to His voice so that I might avoid any pitfalls that will throw me into darkness.
Slow Fade by Casting Crowns is one of my favorite songs and seems to describe what can happen to us if we do not remain in the vine...connected to the power of the cross! (Click to hear song.)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Right-Living People
Proverbs 4:18 (MSG)
The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.
Can you feel the warmth of this verse as it radiates to the depth of your heart? Faces are popping up like flowers in my mind as I think of those people in my life who glow brightly with His light! So true isn't it? Those people who have Christ's love within them and have walked with Him for many years, usually just have that certain illumination about them. They walk differently too. Their step shows a confidence that comes from years of serving and trusting the King!
Praying His blessings tonight upon those who have served the Lord passionately through the years. Asking Him to give them the desires of their hearts as they faithfully continue to travel the road of "right-living".
The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine.
Can you feel the warmth of this verse as it radiates to the depth of your heart? Faces are popping up like flowers in my mind as I think of those people in my life who glow brightly with His light! So true isn't it? Those people who have Christ's love within them and have walked with Him for many years, usually just have that certain illumination about them. They walk differently too. Their step shows a confidence that comes from years of serving and trusting the King!
Praying His blessings tonight upon those who have served the Lord passionately through the years. Asking Him to give them the desires of their hearts as they faithfully continue to travel the road of "right-living".
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Practice People
Proverbs 4:16-17(MSG)
They can't get a good night's sleep unless they've made life miserable for somebody. Perversity is their food and drink, violence their drug of choice.
This verse makes me sad. It's hard for me to accept that anyone would purposefully enjoy making the life of someone else miserable. Oh, I can understand that these people exist, because unfortunately I have come in contact with a few of them, but I don't like accepting the fact that it brings them peace to ruin another person's life. It also saddens me to know that not only do they impose their ridiculous behavior on others, but that they enjoy doing so. It is entertainment for them.
I can only come up with two positive things to say here. The first is that our encounters with these "evil people" as verse 16 refers to them, should push us to our knees in prayer on their behalf. The second positive way to look at these people is from a response mode. I have talked to my children about this very thing. I refer to people with this type of negative behavior as our "practice people". You know what I'm talking about. These are the very people who require us to practice the fruits of the spirit. They are those challenging individuals that happen into our life and make us realize that we really can't do this in our own strength, but with Christ we will overcome! Philippians 4:13 (NIV) states, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Praying tonight for the fruit of the spirit to deal with those in our lives who have not realized the love of Christ and His offer of freedom and eternal life.
They can't get a good night's sleep unless they've made life miserable for somebody. Perversity is their food and drink, violence their drug of choice.
This verse makes me sad. It's hard for me to accept that anyone would purposefully enjoy making the life of someone else miserable. Oh, I can understand that these people exist, because unfortunately I have come in contact with a few of them, but I don't like accepting the fact that it brings them peace to ruin another person's life. It also saddens me to know that not only do they impose their ridiculous behavior on others, but that they enjoy doing so. It is entertainment for them.
I can only come up with two positive things to say here. The first is that our encounters with these "evil people" as verse 16 refers to them, should push us to our knees in prayer on their behalf. The second positive way to look at these people is from a response mode. I have talked to my children about this very thing. I refer to people with this type of negative behavior as our "practice people". You know what I'm talking about. These are the very people who require us to practice the fruits of the spirit. They are those challenging individuals that happen into our life and make us realize that we really can't do this in our own strength, but with Christ we will overcome! Philippians 4:13 (NIV) states, "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."
Praying tonight for the fruit of the spirit to deal with those in our lives who have not realized the love of Christ and His offer of freedom and eternal life.
Book Review: Diary of a Cavewoman by KyAnne Weaver
This book is an extraordinary read! Every woman, mother, and wife will benefit from reading this text. (Husbands too, for that matter!)
Diary of a Cavewoman by KyAnne Weaver, took me from laughing out loud (literally) to a deeply contemplative frame of mind in the course of a few page turns. KyAnne’s ability to be candid about her experiences as a mother of three boys and the wife of a pastor serve both to encourage and challenge the reader. She draws from a deep well of scripture that is obviously as much a part of her life as the breath that she breathes.
Her stories of doing life in “the cave” are nothing short of hilarious, but the Godly wisdom to be gleaned from her life accounts as she takes you to the Word of God are refreshing and immeasurable. This book needs to be on your “must read” list for 2011! I’m hoping that this will be the first of many books by this author.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Trouble Makers
Proverbs 4:16 (MSG)
Evil people are restless unless they're making trouble.
The past few verses have instructed us to completely steer clear of wicked and evil people. In tonight's verse the wicked people are described as restless trouble makers. Ironically, we talked about this in our church life group just last night!
The verse we studied last night was different, but the point was the same.When you hang out with "foolish or evil" people, unfortunately you willl get hurt! Eventually these folks will mess up and when they do, if you are right there with them, you too will suffer the consequences... simply because you are in close proximity with them. It is sort of like if you stood next to a bomb that was exploding. You weren't the one who set it off. You didn't put it there. But merely because you were standing too close when it was detonated, you will end up with shrapnel in your body!
It is important to make a conscious decision to remove ourselves from relationships that have the potential to cause us harm. It can be a very difficult step to take, but one that the Lord will help us with, if we ask. We are definitely called to be a light in a dark world, so I am not suggesting that we stop the continual reaching out in Christ's love to those around us who don't know those whose behavior is only mimicing their heart. But, what I am saying, is that according to His word, we should not yolk ourselves to them.
Please help me to be aware of those around me that might cause me or my family harm or trouble. May I always have Your protection around us and Your guiding hand holding us fast. AMEN
Evil people are restless unless they're making trouble.
The past few verses have instructed us to completely steer clear of wicked and evil people. In tonight's verse the wicked people are described as restless trouble makers. Ironically, we talked about this in our church life group just last night!
The verse we studied last night was different, but the point was the same.When you hang out with "foolish or evil" people, unfortunately you willl get hurt! Eventually these folks will mess up and when they do, if you are right there with them, you too will suffer the consequences... simply because you are in close proximity with them. It is sort of like if you stood next to a bomb that was exploding. You weren't the one who set it off. You didn't put it there. But merely because you were standing too close when it was detonated, you will end up with shrapnel in your body!
It is important to make a conscious decision to remove ourselves from relationships that have the potential to cause us harm. It can be a very difficult step to take, but one that the Lord will help us with, if we ask. We are definitely called to be a light in a dark world, so I am not suggesting that we stop the continual reaching out in Christ's love to those around us who don't know those whose behavior is only mimicing their heart. But, what I am saying, is that according to His word, we should not yolk ourselves to them.
Please help me to be aware of those around me that might cause me or my family harm or trouble. May I always have Your protection around us and Your guiding hand holding us fast. AMEN
Sunday, March 20, 2011
The Detour
Proverbs 4:15 (MSG)
Stay clear of it; give it a wide berth. Make a detour and be on your way.
I took a trip to Atlanta Georgia with my sister one hot summer back in the '90's. We were traveling with her kids who were then ages ten and three and my son who was two at the time. Did I mention it was hot?
Stay clear of it; give it a wide berth. Make a detour and be on your way.
I took a trip to Atlanta Georgia with my sister one hot summer back in the '90's. We were traveling with her kids who were then ages ten and three and my son who was two at the time. Did I mention it was hot?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Choose Rightly
Proverbs 4:14 (ESV)
Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of the evil.
It was a dark, cold, and rainy day here. The gray cloudy sky matches the feel of this verse.
Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of the evil.
It was a dark, cold, and rainy day here. The gray cloudy sky matches the feel of this verse.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Hold Tight
Proverbs 4:13 (MSG)
Hold tight to good advice; don't relax your grip. Guard it well--your life is at stake!!
Hmmm....then the opposite would be true, right? Let go of bad advice; let it fall from your hands.
Hold tight to good advice; don't relax your grip. Guard it well--your life is at stake!!
Hmmm....then the opposite would be true, right? Let go of bad advice; let it fall from your hands.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Wasting Time
Proverbs 4:12 (MSG)
I don't want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns.
When I was younger, I used to love doing those mazes!! You know the ones where you start at the top of the page at "start" and work your way through to the "finish" line. The goal is to keep from making wrong turns that end in a dead end requiring you to go back and retrace your steps.
I don't want you ending up in blind alleys, or wasting time making wrong turns.
When I was younger, I used to love doing those mazes!! You know the ones where you start at the top of the page at "start" and work your way through to the "finish" line. The goal is to keep from making wrong turns that end in a dead end requiring you to go back and retrace your steps.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Teaching Obedience
Proverbs 4:11 (ESV)
I have taught you the way of wisdom; I have led you in the paths of uprightness.
This verse is especially meaningful to me right now, as I have been thinking a great deal about the instruction that I have given to my children over the years.
I have taught you the way of wisdom; I have led you in the paths of uprightness.
This verse is especially meaningful to me right now, as I have been thinking a great deal about the instruction that I have given to my children over the years.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Proverbs 4:10 (MSG)
Hear, my son, and accept my words, that the years of your life may be many.
Hearing is a funny thing.
Hear, my son, and accept my words, that the years of your life may be many.
Hearing is a funny thing.
Monday, March 14, 2011
God's Grace
Proverbs 4:9 (MSG)
She'll garland your life with grace, she'll festoon your days with beauty."
Ok...there's a new word..."festoon". I confess, I don't know what that means?
She'll garland your life with grace, she'll festoon your days with beauty."
Ok...there's a new word..."festoon". I confess, I don't know what that means?
Sunday, March 13, 2011
No Regrets
Proverbs 4:8 (MSG)
Throw your arms around her--believe me, you won't regret it; never let her go--she'll make your life glorious.
"Make room in your heart for a miracle!!"
Throw your arms around her--believe me, you won't regret it; never let her go--she'll make your life glorious.
"Make room in your heart for a miracle!!"
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Weapon of Warfare: The Word Of God
Proverbs 4:7 (ESV)
Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
An ability to see and understand clearly the inner nature of things is the Webster Dictionary's definition of insight.
Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.
An ability to see and understand clearly the inner nature of things is the Webster Dictionary's definition of insight.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Guard Rails
Proverbs 4:6 (MSG)
Never walk away from Wisdom--she guards your life; love her--she keeps her eye on you.
We're discussing guard rails in our Sunday night church group.
Never walk away from Wisdom--she guards your life; love her--she keeps her eye on you.
We're discussing guard rails in our Sunday night church group.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
The Squirrel
Proverbs 4:5 (MSG) Sell everything and buy Wisdom! Forage for Understanding! Don't forget one word! Don't deviate an inch!
I started thinking after I read today's verse that my search, understanding, and application of God's truths should be much like the squirrel's habits. I need to dig deep into His Word to find understanding, much like the squirrel harvests his food. Once I have found it, I need to pick it all up and pack it away in my heart to allow the Spirit of God to work through my life and bring about His glory. See-the next time someone says you're acting "squirelly", you can say, "Why thank-you!"
Praying tonight for courage and the Lord's direction to continue steadfastly on His path without "deviating one inch."
I have a foraging friend who lives outside of my office window in a tree beside the sinking pond. I love watching him as he gathers his food and flits around from tree limb to tree limb. Sometimes he catches me looking at him. In those moments, I freeze and he becomes motionless too. We stare at each other until I end up moving and then off he scurries. The other day I had my camera out and actually captured one of our encounters.
He's pretty cute for a rodent....don't you think? Look closely at his cheeks. Can you see how full they are? In this picture, he was on his way back to his hole in the tree with a full load of loot to dump into his house. He intrigues me. I have studied his behaviors and found him to be very disciplined in his search and storing of food. He ventures out of his hole in the tree at various times during the day, but evening seems to be his favorite. When he first comes out into the open, it is obvious that he is scoping out his environment for danger. His tail flicks this way and that as his eyes scan the horizon. Once he is sure the coast is clear, he springs into action. He dives down below the trees and starts digging and stuffing nuggets of nourishment into his cheeks. After he fills his face, he carefully zig-zags back to his den. About five minutes later he repeats the whole routine.... digging~stuffing~packing~dumping. I started thinking after I read today's verse that my search, understanding, and application of God's truths should be much like the squirrel's habits. I need to dig deep into His Word to find understanding, much like the squirrel harvests his food. Once I have found it, I need to pick it all up and pack it away in my heart to allow the Spirit of God to work through my life and bring about His glory. See-the next time someone says you're acting "squirelly", you can say, "Why thank-you!"
Praying tonight for courage and the Lord's direction to continue steadfastly on His path without "deviating one inch."
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Keep My Commandments
Proverbs 4:4 (ESV)
he taught me and said to me, "let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments, and live.
Pretty clear direction....
he taught me and said to me, "let your heart hold fast my words; keep my commandments, and live.
Pretty clear direction....
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
A Prayer For My Children
Proverbs 4:3 (MSG)
When I was a boy at my father's knee, the pride and joy of my mother,
I remember the first time I held both of my precious children as though it were about "pride and joy"!
When I was a boy at my father's knee, the pride and joy of my mother,
I remember the first time I held both of my precious children as though it were about "pride and joy"!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Stick To His Plan
Proverbs 4:2(MSG)
for I give you good precepts; do not forsake my teaching.
for I give you good precepts; do not forsake my teaching.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
My Daddy's Lessons
Proverbs 4:1 (MSG)
Listen, friends, to some fatherly advice; sit up and take notice so you'll know how to live.
My Dad and I used to go fishing every year during the spring and summer months in his twelve foot John Boat. He taught me a lot about life from the seats of that boat.
Listen, friends, to some fatherly advice; sit up and take notice so you'll know how to live.
My Dad and I used to go fishing every year during the spring and summer months in his twelve foot John Boat. He taught me a lot about life from the seats of that boat.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Proverbs 3:35 (ESV)
The wise will inherit honor, but fools get disgrace.
The quiet has returned to our house tonight. The spring like weather has deserted us and a cold north wind has been ushered in. Funny the difference one day can make.
The wise will inherit honor, but fools get disgrace.
The quiet has returned to our house tonight. The spring like weather has deserted us and a cold north wind has been ushered in. Funny the difference one day can make.
Friday, March 4, 2011
The Slumber Party
Proverbs 3:34
Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor.
What an amazing night! If you listen really closely, I am sure you can hear the giggles and screams coming from my house.
Toward the scorners he is scornful, but to the humble he gives favor.
What an amazing night! If you listen really closely, I am sure you can hear the giggles and screams coming from my house.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Path To Righteousness
Proverbs 3:33 (ESV)
The Lord's curse is on the house of the wicked, but He blesses the dwelling of the righteous.
Ok...I'm going to be exclusively honest here and share with you that at a quick glance, this verse scares me! I mulled it over most of the day.
The Lord's curse is on the house of the wicked, but He blesses the dwelling of the righteous.
Ok...I'm going to be exclusively honest here and share with you that at a quick glance, this verse scares me! I mulled it over most of the day.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
An Abomination
Proverbs 3:32 (ESV)
for the devious person is an abomination to the Lord, but the upright are in his confidence.
I painted a room in our house today. It is a gorgeous dark color that I put over a light colored wall.
for the devious person is an abomination to the Lord, but the upright are in his confidence.
I painted a room in our house today. It is a gorgeous dark color that I put over a light colored wall.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Proverbs 3:31 (ESV)
Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways,
Do not envy a man of violence and do not choose any of his ways,
The darkness looms heavily outside my window tonight, after reading this verse. I can hear an owl hooting in the distance, as I reach under my computer and pull out the article that has haunted me since I first read it. "Officials Find 2,000 Fetuses Hidden at a Bangkok Temple",
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