Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Proverbs 4:24 (MSG)
Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies and gossip.

This being the second day of our "Tulip Regeneration Challenge", it should not surprise me to find this verse waiting for me upon opening my Bible today.  Let the pruning begin!  Snip-snip here...snip-snip there....go my scissors as I cut away at the "dead stuff" that I absolutely don't need to have hanging around and stealing energy for those parts of my plant underneath that I want to regrow. 

The parallel with my spiritual life is fascinating!  Like thiefs in the night, these little nasty habits we have..."careless banter, white lies and gossip" and other similar issues, come sneaking back up on us and steal our fire if we aren't constantly on our guard.  I wish I could say that this doesn't happen to me...but I have to remain alert and in prayer for this area, because it can definitely be a trap for each one of us.  With the help of the Holy Spirit, I have gained huge strides in this area and will press on.....by the Grace of God!

Praying tonight for the pruning process to continue in my life.  Asking the Lord to help me make decisions that will honor Him and bring Him glory.  I have drafted a list of the dead places that need to be restored.  I am lifting those up to the God who created heaven and earth and trusting that NOTHING is impossible with Him!

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