Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Steep Course

Psalm 119:33(MSG)
God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course.

The birds are singing; the sun is shining; the grass is growing.  Spring is definitely getting an early start around here.  As I jumped onto the old green machine and carefully turned the key, I grinned at the old familiar sound I have actually grown a little fond of.  Our riding lawn mower has been with us since we moved into this house over ten years ago.  When the previous owner sold us the home, he said he would throw it in.  He sort of grinned when he said it....I think I understand now. 
You see, to mow our yard takes....well...many lessons.  I received my lessons from my sweet hubby.  He really didn't (and still doesn't) want me to take over the task of mowing  the yard, but I really do enjoy it, so I insisted that he show me the ropes.  With a great deal of reservation, he cooperated.  Now, I think there are several reasons that he would rather I not mow.  Mostly, it is because he is chivalrous and doesn't want me to be doing a "man's job".  This carries over into all areas of life with this incredible man that I have been married to for almost twenty-four years.  He opens doors for me, pumps gas for me, helps me in with the groceries, fixes this silly computer for me when it freezes, and the list goes on and on.

The other reason that he isn't really into me mowing is because our yard has some really steep hills.  "The hills are tricky," he says.  "You don't want to get sideways on a hill, or you might flip the mower over on yourself."  Well, that most certainly got my attention and I have heeded that warning ever sense.  His words still ring in my head every time I begin the descent down those hills. 

Yesterday was Monday, and I have deemed it to be the official weekly "mowing day".  I backed the mower out of the garage and whipped through half of the yard in no time flat.  Gingerly I headed down the last steep hill for the day.  As I got closer to the bottom, I had to strategically plan my turn or I would plow smack dab into the middle of one of the beautiful berms that my husband had meticulously constructed a few years back.  Oh no....had I miscalculated the angle of the slope?  It felt like I was tipping as I turned.  I quickly jerked the wheel back, but that made the course of the mower headed straight for berm...........crash!!  Right into the rocks and bush I went.  Oh boy.  I climbed off.  It was stuck.  Couldn't go back...couldn't go forward...

I started digging rocks up in an effort to move the mower.  Nope, that wasn't going to work.  I got in front of it and tried to push it up the hill.  Nope, that wasn't the solution either.  "I know what to do"...I thought.  I can call my nephew (the 6'2" marine), quick before my Hubby gets home!!  He'll know what to do!    

My sweet nephew was up for the challenge, but my Hubby made it home before the caper could be carried out.  My wonderfully observant spouse saw the evidence of the mower, well shall we say, gone "off the course".  As is so like him, he smiled at me and went right outside and took care of everything.  The mower is back in the garage and I am left with very little pride, but I am determined to return to the mowing position next Monday.  (If Mr. Hubby will let me...that is.)

God's light revealed in His creation.
I saw a billboard as I  was driving today.  It read:  "The world's source of light is the Son."  I love that!  The number one lesson I must remember to be able to stay on course, no matter how steep the slope gets,  is that Jesus Christ is my source for light.  He will illuminate my path and guide me every step of the way as I remain in Him.  What a wonderful peace and confidence this verse brings to my heart tonight!

You are our source of light.  Your light shines in the darkest of places.  Help me to bring Your love to those who are desperately needing it.  Open my eyes to the needs of Your children and equip me to serve them in unselfish abandon.
In the glorious name of Jesus,


  1. stay the course, stay the course, stay the course... thank you for your wise words. god continues to speak to me through you my friend!

  2. Thanks for your sweet words!
    It is amazing to me how His Word speaks to us right where we are. Staying on course is tough...especially when you're on a hill, but we can do it with Him at the wheel!!
