Monday, March 12, 2012

The Road To Somewhere

Psalm 119:30(MSG)
I choose the true road to Somewhere, I post Your road signs at every curve and corner.
Psalm 119:30(NIV)
I have chosen the way of truth; I have set my heart on your laws.

My daughter making her own road through the snow.
I'm thinking about the road trips I have been taking out of town lately.  Having an arrival  location in my mind, I set out on my journey, but if I've never traveled the roads to my destination, I rely completely on the road signs to get me there!  If it weren't for the well marked path, I might end up in Timbuktu.  (Timbuktu is actually an extremely remote location in Africa by the way.  My daughter informed me of that while she was studying her geography lesson the other day.  I absolutely love that...but I digress!) 

While driving through some of the busy cities on my recent trips, I find I have to really concentrate to stay in the correct lane or I might end up heading in the complete wrong direction!  The problem with that is, I might not even recognize it was a wrong turn until I end up arriving Nowhere...instead of the goal of "Somewhere!"  In utter frustration I might have added miles of rough road to my trip that would have been completely unnecessary had I not missed the turn off! 

Today's verse is incredibly tangible!  I have included two translations for a greater focus on exactly what it is that keeps me seeing the markers on every corner and holds me to the path that God wants for me to be on.  The conclusion I draw is that TRUTH and OBEDIENCE to the word of God and His law is what keeps me going Somewhere!  His words are what hold me to the correct roads in this life. 

I can always be sure that I am not lost when I am applying the truths that I find in the treasured Word of God.  I may not recognize the towns I am traveling through, but I know with great assurance that these are the exact places that God has allowed me to be if I am in His Word and in prayer.  I have to be intentional about staying on the right road, however.  If I veer off my course, there is the possibility of ending up in places the Lord never intended for me to be in! 

As a busy Mom, it's sometimes easy to start the day off running in many directions.  From the time my brain clicks on in the morning, I am thinking of all that needs to be accomplished in the few hours ahead.  The truth is though, that to really be effective and successfully implement my plan, I must make a conscious choice to open the Bible and talk with the God of heaven and earth before I run out the door!

Thank you for providing a path to You through the Word that You so graciously left for us.  Help us to make wise choices and remain in Your truth throughout our days here.
In Jesus name,

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