Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ocean Foundations

Psalm 136:6(MSG)
The God who laid out earth on ocean foundations, His love never quits.

I've said it before...but I have to say it again...I love Sundays!  There's just no better way to start off the day than in God's house worshipping with other believers in Christ.  The strength that is gained through standing together and calling out His promises in "one accord" is impossible to measure.  The confidence obtained by hearing the Word of God and speaking His truth over your situation is so profound that it's hard to even compare it to any earthly thing, but if I were to attempt it, the ocean would be a good place to start.

The ocean is such an incredible object in it's calm beauty and yet at the change of the tide it can turn to a monstrous fury.  You can stand at water's edge one minute and let gentle waves run over your toes and in the next minute be running in panic from the massive wall of water that can be stirred up by unseen forces.  As I see the waves form so intricately into delicate towers of water, combined with today's verse, I have to stop and thank God for His love that never quits!  He has given it all to us for our good pleasure.  What an awesome and amazing God we serve!

Happy Sunday!!

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