Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The God Of All gods

Psalm 136:2(MSG)
Thank the God of all gods, His love never quits.

While returning from my run this morning, I noticed a large leaf stuck to the middle of the garage door.  We recently had some wind, so I figured it was just whipped up and tossed against the door, although it was perfectly in one piece.  This seemed a bit unusual sense normally the leafs are chewed up into small bits after our storms.  It afforded a closer look.  I moved right up to the door and was stunned to find that this wasn't a leaf at all!  It was a beautiful flying creature the likes of which I have never seen before! 

Luna Moth

I stared at it for quite some time, slowly inching my way closer hoping it wouldn't take flight.  I studied it's wing span which measured somewhere around four inches and gawked at the two fake eyes on each wing that I have since learned were placed there to scare off predators.  Once I soaked in the uniqueness of this amazing sight, I dashed inside for my camera hoping to capture him before he disappeared. 

I now know that what I was blessed to see this morning was an Actias luna, commonly known as the Luna Moth.  They only have an adult life span of seven days and while they are common, they are rarely seen.  What a treat!  What a creative God we serve!

This is a beautiful and timely verse as I study the fact that there really are no other gods besides the one true and living God!  What a treasured word to read and hold tightly to!  Thanking Him for so many blessings tonight, a few of which are: my dear family, precious friends, health, shelter, food, a church home, the word of God.....and intricately designed flying creatures!

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