Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Stranger On Earth

Psalm 119:19(NIV)
I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me. 

Facebook has become such an incredible venue for people to connect!  I enjoy "surfing" through the posts and seeing every one's families and the adventures that life is taking them on.  I could literally spend hours reading and looking at pictures of all the fun places people are traveling and the creative ways that they spend their time.  I have to put a Facebook "time limit" on myself when I check in or I wouldn't get anything else done in a day!  What a treat to get to read all the great updates!

Tonight, though, as I was doing my usual "like" button routine, I came across a very different kind of post.  It was from a sweet friend from high school that I don't get to talk to anymore.  (Think almost thirty years ago.)  I haven't seen her in about that long, but here she was with her sweet smiling profile pic and a rather lengthy post.  It started off by saying that she "hardly ever posts on Facebook, but....."  That in and of itself got my attention.  She went on to tell all of her friends that she has been sick and her husband has just been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and she wanted her friends to know. 

I stared at that post for almost thirty minutes trying to figure out what to say.  My words seem inadequate in a situation like this.  They are our best attempt to help people understand how we feel, but often times, we don't even understand how we feel ourselves.  I ended up telling her how much we love them and that we are going to pray for them and stand with them through this trial.  I told my husband about it and he immediately e-mailed the husband and we will follow through on that promise, but what I wanted to say needed to be said in person with an arm of love around them and a genuine love that expresses sincerity.

I wanted to tell her exactly what this verse says tonight.  That "we are strangers on earth".  We are merely passing through. 

I frequently stand upon the words that You said in John 16:33.  Tonight, I repeat them and as always gain much confidence and peace within my heart for my friends.

John 16:33(NIV)
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."

Place Your hand under those tonight who find themselves in a fearful foreign land and gently carry them through this trouble.  Allow them to rest in Your arms and find Your peace.
In Jesus Name,

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