Friday, November 29, 2013

Keep your FOCUS!

Psalm 119:69 (MSG)
The Godless spread lies about me, but I FOCUS my attention on what you are saying;
Oh my goodness!  Is anyone else having a hard time focusing...or is it just me?!  I went into a local craft store the other day and came out with nearly everything under the sun except what I went in for.  Good grief! 

I don't think it is a coincidence that this verse popped up for today's post.  Nor was it a happen stance that opening the word of God for my daily reading landed me in 2 Peter 1:19-20(MSG) where I found these words: 

We couldn't be more sure of what we saw and heard-God's glory, God's voice.  The prophetic Word was confirmed to us.  You'll do well to keep focusing on it.  It's the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts. 

Focus on the light of God's word...and keep looking
up to Him!

Wow!  These words are so strong and hold so much weight for our lives today.  Dark times?  Confusing times?  Scared?  Distracted?  What should we do?  Focus.  Direct our attention to the light of His words and move straight forward into His strength and love.  He will certainly confirm the Word of guidance and clearly define His way.

Yep...I needed to hear that!

You have allowed me to find peace and direction in Your word.  Help me to keep focusing on it and on You as we head into the season of Your Son's birth.  Thank You for the grace and favor that is poured upon us moment by moment.

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