Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't Ever Walk Off And Leave Me

Psalm 119:8(MSG)
I'm going to do what You tell me to do;  don't ever walk off and leave me.

I was probably about four years old, but I remember the fear that swept over me as if it happened just yesterday!  One minute I am standing in an aisle looking at a toy with my Mom next to me and the next minute I am still looking at the toy, but there is no Mom!  In my hyper focus on that single object, she had continued down the aisle and I didn't even notice she was gone.  Panic set in immediately.  Thankfully, she quickly realized I was not in tow and returned to retrieve her youngest charge.  

The statement, "Don't ever walk off and leave me", conjures up that very same sense of isolation and tangible  terror within my heart.  The very idea of the Lord walking off and leaving me behind without me even noticing He has departed, makes me shutter.  Could I become so distracted with something that I might miss Him moving and not follow? 

I never want to be alone in the spiritual sense.  Not ever.  The idea of attempting to walk down here without the leading of the Lord seems pointless at best and futile at the worst!  It's as if the psalmist is bargaining with God.  Something about the way he says, "I will do what you're telling me to do, just don't walk off and leave me", seems desperate to me. 

That made me wonder who the writer of this Psalm was?  Turns out most scholars agree that this Psalm was written by Ezra.  Ezra was considered an extremely Godly priest and scribe from way back in time....even before Christ. (BC)  He apparently had an unwavering passion for the Word of God.  I'm guessing from this information, that he knew without the strong hand of God upon His life, he was rendered helpless.  As such, he would be unable to accomplish much of anything. 

The New Living Translation Bible states it this way:  Psalm 119:8~"I will obey your principles.  Please don't give up on me!"

I'm thinking that the Psalmist is basically begging God to not give up on us.  It seems to me that Ezra is asking the Lord to continue His presence with man, even though we will mess up....again!!  The writer has declared that he will continue to walk on the path the Lord has sketched out for him, but he certainly will continue to fall short and won't be able to proceed unless God is right there by his side.  What a humble spirit within a very wise man!   

I am thankful today for a God who doesn't ever give up on me despite my inability to always be glorifying to His name through my actions and thoughts.  Even when I am not always in a spirit of worship, He remains close to me.  I need only to be listening and learning with a submissive heart.  Thankfully Christ has told us, that He will be with us the very end...

Matthew 28:19-20(NIV)
Then Jesus came to them and said,  "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  (Italics mine.)

I know that I can become distracted quite easily.  When I was four, it was the toy.  Now that I am older, it is the ever growing list of things that I have on my "to do" list.  Help me to prioritize my life in such a way that You are always first and I am attentive to following close behind You.  Teach me, as Your Word taught Ezra, to live a life that is empowered by faith in You and spurred on by hope, revival, reform and restoration.
In You I trust,

1 comment:

  1. Isn't THAT comforting? How easily we forget! Thank you for the gentle reminder of the importance of a child-like spirit.
